About the RunningRing

The Runningring is a brand new product that is unmatched in the world of ring jewelry.  It was created with the thought of developing a new type of spinning ring that would feature a horse with fully articulated legs that would move in a way to simulate a running motion.  This is achieved by a mechanism that when the inner and outer halves are rotated against one another it causes the horses legs to move in a running fashion.

In the beginning the development of a mechanism of this type and at this scale was daunting to say the least.  I swore my wife to secrecy and told no one for a couple of years about the project due to it's chance of succeeding being very low and the concept being just to far out there for most to comprehend.  As I approached conventional jewelers to fabricate the intricate parts I required, I found that they had no concept of a multi-component ring type and offered  their services at prices that were not realistic.  To counter this I turned to the new industry of creating jewelry objects by the means of 3D printing and casting technologies.  Relying on my extensive 3D CAD design background, I went to work on trying to figure out how to mimic the motion of a horse running.  This I was able to do and the challenge was on.  I had a path to follow that seemed to hold promise but there were a multitude of challenges, none more challenging than creating a leg knee joint that was minute but strong,  realizing that anything too fragile would be a failure.  Crazy enough, I was able to achieve this and create a joint that can be produced repeatedly and  is robust enough to endure the wear and tear of wearing it on a finger.  Next came the rest of the puzzle.  It  took me a couple of years but eventually I felt I had succeeded. 

To create my RunningRings, I needed to find vendors that were able to produce the minuture pieces and body parts at a reasonble price.  In time I was able to succeed but not without challenges.  As I looked to procure more they suddenly said no,  we will or cannot produce those for you.  This led to a another whole adventure of learning how to create and finish fine jewelry pieces from raw castings, to plating precious metals and the like.  I could not go forth and offer a product without a reliable method of obtaining the required pieces from multiple sources at reasonable prices.  This once again took time but I have achieved my goal,  to reach a reasonable cost and secure reliable sources while maintaining the best in quality.  I hope to continually improve this process and bring down the price as volumes grow.

Finally, came the business side of things.  I have protected my invention in a couple of ways.  The first was to trademark "RunningRings", which I have. I secured the web domain Runningrings.net but not yet Runningrings.com as after I had made just one search for it a web hosting company immediately secured the .com version.  This I felt was not a big deal as no one else can use it as a trademarked phrase of which I have secured. If they do they'lle pay in the long run. Lastly I have initiated a request for a patent of which is in process.

To close,  I explain all this in the hopes that those who are interested might gain some understanding into the effort it takes to create and bring to market a piece such as this. It has been nothing trivial to say the least.  I hope to expand the offerings as time goes by to other variations including four legged and possibly two legged creatures and such but we'll see, time will tell. Wish me luck!

Inventor and owner.

Jim Kale